stand_out_magnify_file_10057More and more small and medium sized companies understand the importance of seo. Sydney based businesses are no different, and they rely on the correct application of seo in order to gain high search engine rankings and generate free traffic. While just following the guidelines of Google used to work, after the Panda update, much more is now needed in order to rank well. This article will cover:

* Pre-Panda SEO tactics that previously worked

* What’s changed for search engine optimisation

* What Sydney businesses can do about it

Panda was a major update by Google and it saw the rankings and income of many established online businesses drop dramatically. Simply stated – what used to work in Google, no longer does.

It used to be enough to read and understand what Google looks for when ranking websites (the correct keywords in the correct places and the right amount of incoming links). While Google still wants to see these indicators, these things will no longer bring high rankings.

The focus is now on high quality content that the end user wants to see. Gone are the days that you would find keyword-stuffed articles occupying the top six locations on page one. The reliance is no longer based on the links that point to the website, or even on the anchor text.

When looking for Sydney seo firms, it is important to look at those who will build a brand, and market that online. This is the new way for online marketing (of course, this was always the offline method of marketing). All that has changed is that “gaming the Google system” with keyword-domain websites no longer works.

It is important that online businesses begin to create websites that attract potential customers based on content, the experience and ultimately value. Alongside this, online businesses must embrace the world of social media in order to create online communities of like-minded people. In simple terms, the focus must be on the users, instead of on the seo tricks and tactics.

If online businesses are going to stay afloat and relevant, they will need to amend their approach to online marketing and seo. Sydney based businesses would be wise to heed this advice when looking for seo firms. For example, the latest news from Google is that they will further penalise over “SEO’d” websites. This is a strong warning for any business aiming for success online.

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