Adelaide-SEOSEO isn’t something like designing a website that you can get away with just doing one time. Search engine optimisation is something that needs to happen on an ongoing basis. If you pay attention to the timing of certain things, you’ll definitely reap the rewards. Read on for some timing areas to consider:

Seasonal SEO & PPC

Don’t forget to optimise your site and target online marketing initiatives such as pay per click advertising for seasonal trending cycles.  Think like your customer so you’ll be able to optimise for what they are looking for today. This is especially important for retail but can also impact service providers, too. Do start planning in advance so that you have time to reach your goals. Campaigns for major holidays, for example, should be started a few months in advance.

Use News and Headlines to Your Advantage

Taking advantage of news and trends can help with your SEO and marketing initiatives, too. People search based on headlines and big news captures their attention. You could position your company online so that you can take advantage of this type of traffic. Writing around news topics can help you bring in a lot of new traffic to your site, especially if your blog is optimised well enough to land in Google News.  Social media sites like Twitter are very news centric, too. Write about trending topics in the right way and you could attract new followers.

Social Media Timing

There are peaks in the day and the week for activity on social sites.  You can also take advantage of this during holidays, on weekends, and so on. Know your audience, know where they tend to hang out socially, and know when to send information out. Timing can make a huge difference!  For social media, many experts say that the best time of day for blogging is first thing in the morning as people are reading their emails and if they’re subscribed, there’s a good chance of their reading your email. Facebook has the highest number of users on weekends and holidays. Twitter tends to be a site where you can be really prolific and not worry as much about inundating your audience as many of them pop in and out periodically on their desktop or laptop, on their mobile phone, etcetera.

Timing is important. Don’t forget to check your website statistics to help you measure your efforts.  Need help with web design, marketing or SEO? Adelaide based Marketease Business Promotions would be pleased to offer you a free consultation.


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